Corporate Governance

At Siyaram Recycling Industries Ltd., the CEO, Senior Management, and all staff members steadfastly adhere to the fundamental principle of operating in full compliance with all pertinent legal stipulations. It is imperative for everyone affiliated with the firm to embrace the core values articulated in our code of conduct.

Our senior management is endowed with the autonomy to act within the bounds of their delegated authority. Furthermore, they bear the responsibility of formulating and instituting decisions and policies aligned with the best interests of the enterprise and its stakeholders. To maintain the company’s exacting standards, all actions must be guided by the prescribed code of conduct.


Integral Practices

All actions for the company must embody honesty, integrity, and fairness. Individuals are expected to act responsibly, competently, and avoid compromised judgment, always prioritizing the organization’s best interests and fulfilling their fiduciary responsibilities.



Professionals are mandated to adhere to all relevant laws, rules, and regulations. Any potential breach or deviations from the code of conduct should be promptly reported to ensure ethical business conduct.


Company Confidentiality

Non-public information concerning the company must remain confidential. Senior management is prohibited from engaging with media outlets, unless explicitly authorized.


Periodic Audits

Senior management will annually certify their adherence to the code or upon its revision. Regular reviews of the code are essential to ensure its alignment with legal and regulatory changes and to emphasize pertinent topics.